B a l m u n g


Pragmatist | Survivalist

Updated | 1/10/25


There is a duality to them.One eye with child-like wonder,
the other disfigured & torn.

Flesh of a warm southern clime,
tongue of the cold Northern Empty.

Though of a foreign land,
he has the smile of a local man.

BIO OOC Hooks Gallery

Biographical Data

  • alignment
        Chaotic Good

  • Homeland

  • nameday
        16th Sun | 2nd Umbral Moon

  • age
        Early Twenties [Apparent]

  • Height & Weight
        188 cm
        74.8 kg

  • Distinguishing Feature
        Grotesque Dead Eye

  • Employer
        The Rhotano Museum
        (The RhoMu)

  • occupation
        Courier | investigative Antiquties

  • Talents
        Swordsmanship | Acrobatics

  • Hobbies
        Oenology | Smithing

  • Familiars
        A sentient notebook
        Chocobo: Mister

His actual DOB is unknown. This is the day Kestran Cwinsyngsyn found and named him.

Out of character

  • discord & Socials

  • Time Zone

  • Identity
        Non-Binary | Gay

  • Pronouns

  • Languages
        English [NA]

  • About Me
        Project Manager
        Community Leader

  • RP Style
        Walk-Ups & /Tells
        Light & Heavy RP
        21+ Mature (with Consent)


intro BIO OOC Gallery

  • Aethereological Anomaly

    There's something peculiar about his aether. It neither stands out nor is it able to readily be ignored. There's a duality of it which grabs attention and might be unsettling for the untrained. For those with the skill of an apprentice Mage, the aberration could go unnoticed as nothing more than a passing curiosity. However, for a Mage of long-lived study, your first impression may be notice that something is inherently wrong or unnatural about him; something that sends chills within you, not from fear, but from the weight of that which challenges your understanding.

  • Familiar I: Mister

    The blustering bird, Mister, his Chocobo Companion, is a loud and spirited animal with a mind of its own. Quick to pass judgement, it will scowl at you with a surprising sentience behind its furrowed brow as it decides which eye to peck at. Or maybe it just really wants that bit of crumb in your beard. Don't flinch!

  • Courier

    M.R. Rhotano, the realms most famously infamous unknown merchant and entrepreneur, uses Sterne to track the untraceable and impeach the unimpeachable for Their Museum. When not out on assignment for his patron, Sterne can be found in the Museum, either busy among the hustle and bustle or afterhours trying his best to be as unknowable as Rhotano themself.

  • Familiar II: Sentient Notebook

    An unassuming book is always in Sterne's possession - until it decides otherwise! This magicked tome has a mind of its own. It may twitch nervously as it tries to hide from you or, emboldened on a whim, it will stand up and march towards you with a quill in its spine inviting you to write upon its blank pages. Magically it can recreate any document, note, ledger or passing sign its holder encounters; duplicated and forever bound among its infinite pages.